Books by Ton That Thien:
India and South East Asia: 1947-1960. A Study of India’s Foreign Policy towards the South East Asian Countries in the Period 1947-1960, Geneva, Droz, 1963, 385 pages
“The War in Vietnam” in Sibnarayan Ray (ed.), Vietnam Seen From East and West, Melbourne, Thomas Nelson, 1966.
Ton That Thien and Reinhold Wepf (eds.) Vietnam, Vom Mekongdelta zum Song Ben Hai, Bern, Kimmerly and Frey, 1968
The Foreign Politics of The Communist Party of Vietnam: A Study in Communist Tactics, Crane Russak, New York, 1989, 255 pages
Was Ho Chi Minh a Nationalist? Ho Chi Minh and the Comintern Information and Resource Centre, Singapore, 1990
Articles by Ton That Thien:
“The Geneva Agreements and Peace Prospects in Vietnam”, India Quarterly, October–December 1956.
“Vietnam: A Case of Social Alienation”, International Affairs (London), July 1967.
“Neutralism in South East Asia” (Paper presented to the 7th World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Brussels, September 1967).
“Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s First Communist”, The Asia Magazine (Singapore), March 10, 1968.
“The Search for a New Identity: Vietnam Reaction to Western Impact” (Paper presented to a Panel on Asia, East-West Center, Honolulu, June 1968), Van Hanh Bulletin, Van Hanh University, Saigon, December 1969.
“Vietnam: Winner Takes Nothing”, Orientations, (Hong Kong), January 1970.
“Saigon: A Tormented City Fighting Hard to Survive”, Orientations (Hong Kong), August 1970.
“Understanding the War in Vietnam”, India Quarterly, July–September 1970.
“Social Mobilization and Political Participation: The Vietnamese Experience”, (Paper read at the Academic Conference on ‘Development in South East Asia: Issues and Dilemmas’, 26–29 October 1971, Hong Kong, under the auspices of ASAIHL).
“Asia’s Longest War”, The Asian (Hong Kong), November 28 – December 4, 1971.
“Technology, the Social Sciences, Education and the Future of Vietnam”, ASAIHL, Hong Kong, Newsletter, December 1971.
“Phan Chu Trinh, or Where to Begin a Revolution”, Van Hanh Bulletin, Van Hanh University, Saigon, March–April 1970.
“The Supremacy of Human Freedom, or Buddhism, and Science and Technology”, Graduation Address, Van Hanh University, Saigon, February 1972.
“Higher Education in a Transitional Country Plagued by Colonialism and War: The Case of Vietnam”, paper prepared for RIHED Bulletin, Singapore, July 1972.
“The Modernization Dream: Where One Should Tread Softly”, paper prepared for the Third International Conference on the Modernization of Asia, Penang, Malaysia, September 3–9, 1972.
“The Relevance of Existing Social Science Theories and Concepts for South East Asia”, paper prepared for the Second Academic Conference on Social Science Research for Urban Development in South East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, December 18–23, 1972.
“War is Peace”, Orientations, Hong Kong, August–October 1973.
“L’Asie dans l’après-guerre” in Hommes d’État Célèbres, Éditions d’Art Lucien Mazenod, Paris, 1977
“Ho Chi Minh”, dans Hommes d’Etat Célèbres, Éditions d’Art Lucien Mazenod, Paris, 1977
“Politics and Economic Development”, paper prepared for the Conference on Problems of Development in Asia, organised by the Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, April 7–9, 1975
“Vietnam, 1975-1980: Reflections on a Revolution”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.2, No. 2, September 1980
“Negotiation Strategy and Tactics of the Vietnamese Communists”, Negotiations in Asia, Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations, Geneva, 1984
“Southeast Asia’s Post Cold War Geopolitics: The New Realities”, in Global Affairs, Winter, 1993
“Luan Ban ve Tu Tuong Ho Chi Minh”, (On Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts), June 1996
“New Alignments, New Realities: East Asia in the Post-Cold War Setting” orld Affairs, Jan-Mar, 1997, Vol. 1, No.1
“The Year of the Hare: New Light on the Anti-Diem Coup”, in World Affairs, Vol. 3, No. 4, October–December 1999
“Shadows and Wind in Vietnam”, Ngay Nay, Houston, 1 December 2000
“Sober Thoughts on April 30: The South Vietnam Liberation Front and Hanoi Myth and Reality” 29 April 2000. Presentation at the national conference organized by the Vietnamese Canadian Federation in Ottawa, “The arrival of Vietnamese refugees in Canada: What have we learned?”
“Cultural Issues in Vietnam’s Transition” in The Vietnamese Economy and its Transformation to an Open Market System. Wm. T. Alpert (ed.). M.E. Sharpe, New York, 2005